Friday, August 19, 2011

Creamed Corn with roasted peppers

 White corn was used for this dish, probably Silver King.

Fresh corn is best grilled or boiled on the cob, seasoned with butter, salt and pepper.  Maybe some lime, pure chili powder and cumin might make an appearence!  There are other seasonings that enhance the simple deliciousness of corn but in my opinion, it is always best to keep it simple, quickly cooked and a few ingredients.  This year, because of the lack of rainfall in the northeast, corn was not at its best at the start of the season.  Some of the first corn I purchased at the market was small, dry and some of the kernels were hollow.  Not too promising.  Thank goodness, rain came and corn, along with other produce, improved.

When growing up, we hardly ever had corn on the cob.  It was always creamed corn.  Now I wonder why?  It probably is a uncomplicated reason like it is just how my Granny and Mom did it.  But now in my house the first corn on the cob is a seasonal event.  After a while of indulging on fresh corn on the cob, it is time to move on!  Now comes the creamed version along with the process of freezing portions to use through out the year in some of my favorite recipes. 

This recipe is way too ridiculously easy except for cutting the corn off of the cob.  That is always a pain.  Shucking the corn is a little messy which I do outside or preferably at the market where I buy it because they compost it.  If I am going to shuck, cut and prepare corn for creamed corn then doing extra for freezer storage kills two birds with one stone. I will reap the reward later!

For Creamed Corn:
makes a good amount  or 8 - 10 servings

2 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons flour
1/4 cup milk, whole is preferred but 1% to half and half will work.
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt or to taste
fresh ground pepper
4 cups of corn kernels (exact measurement not necessary), about 6 ears corn

1 to 2 roasted poblano chilies, roasted green New Mexico chili  or roasted red pepper
     (optional, canned whole roasted chilies work well here)

In a large saucepan, melt the butter over medium high heat.  Add the flour, stirring constantly for about a minute.  Add the milk in a steady stream, constantly whisking.  Add the corn, roasted pepper (if using) and salt after the milk has thickened and the roasted pepper.  Simmer for a couple of minutes until the corn is slightly cooked.  Salt and pepper to taste.

  • Milk.  The higher fat milk used will produce a thicker, richer end result.  Alternatively for a truly indulgent creamed corn, 1/4 to 1/2 cup of heavy cream can be used in place of the butter, flour, and milk.  Just heat the cream,  add the corn, simmer until you like the consistency and season.
  • You might ask what do I freeze corn for?  Mostly for three different dishes:  it is a delicious addition to cornbread, cornmeal pancakes with whole corn (it is just not the same without it) and corn pudding for Thanksgiving.


  1. The pic is amazing!! Love fresh corn, nothing like it! We also try to freeze as much as we can for thanksgiving. Ahh roasted poblano and corn together are a great flavor combo! Thank you for sharing I cannot wait to try this recipe!

  2. Your creamed corn looks so tasty, fresh and delicate in the photo;-) I also can't wait to try this recipe, some family traditions are just so worth carrying forward!

  3. I have never make creamed corn but have always love it when I've had it...this looks amazing!

  4. looks like great comfort food, don't think I have ever eaten it

  5. I love this kind of dish. It is a wonderful way to use corn when it is so abundant. The peppers take it to another level. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. My grandma always makes a delicious creamed corn... my grandpa was a corn farmer, and so she knows how to do it right. Looks like yours is just as tasty! :)

  7. Lindsay - You've probably had corn more ways than you can count! In his retirement, my grandfather decided to grow an acre garden every year and corn was a huge part of it. But as I remember he grew only one type of corn, Silver King. Creamed corn was definitely one of my Granny's favorite dished to make.

    All - thank you all for your lovely comments!

  8. It looks delicious :) So fresh and creamy :)

  9. I rarely ate corn when I was young...but that was because I had braces as a teenager, which made eating corn on the cob pretty difficult! But this I would have loved. :)

  10. Lovely. Creamed corn always reminds me of my great aunt. Thank you for sharing...and thank you for leaving such kind words on my own blog. You make me smile!

  11. the flavor combo of corn and roasted peppers!

  12. pretty amazing .. love it .. thanks for sharing .. yummy !!
