Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baking with Grains: Cracked Wheat Bread

Sometimes if you want something, you just got to do it yourself.  Cracked wheat bread is one of my favorite types of whole grain bread and only on a rare occasion can I find it in my area.  So I either have to be satisfied with the occasional find or learn to make it yourself.  Then so be it, I'll make it myself. 

Yeast breads can be time consuming and a bit intimidating, but not necessarily difficult.  I would recommend working with a well written recipe a couple of times to get the hang of it.  Some people like to work breads totally by hand and some like to utilize their trusty stand mixer.  I do a combination.  I mix it and start the kneading process in a stand mixer and finish it by hand.  This works for well for me and I can clean a little while the kneading process gets started.
Cracked wheat being "soaked"

Cracked Wheat Bread from The Bread Bible by Beth Hensperger is a yeast bread recipe that I make frequently.  I love the nutty, slightly tangy flavor with a touch of sweetness from honey and molasses.  It makes an excellent loaf for slicing or shaped into rolls for dinner.  This bread  has a lovely crunch to it especially when toasted which is how I have it in the morning with jam.

Bulghur can be substituted for the cracked wheat in this recipe.  What is the difference since they are both essentially cracked wheat? Whole wheat berries that are cracked in their raw form is called cracked wheat.  Bulghur is partially hulled whole wheat kernels that have been soaked and steamed, dried and then cracked.  Bulghur has a longer shelf life because of the precooking than cracked wheat.  Even though they sound very similar they are not necessarily interchangeable in all recipes.  Both of these products can be found in your natural food section or in middle eastern markets.  They both are a very nutritious grain that is high in fiber.

Personally, I would recommend that everyone try to make at least one yeast bread at home.  Odds are that it won't come out perfect the first time but will be delicious anyway.  There is a certain satisfaction to making homemade bread and the aroma seems to summon everyone to the kitchen for that first warm slice with butter.  Once you get the hang of it you will wonder why you were ever intimidated by bread making.  It probably won't be exactly like bakery breads (they have expensive equipment and experienced bakers) but the results can be delicious, healthier and easier on the wallet.  What is better than good honest homemade bread?

Cracked Wheat Bread adapted from The Bread Bible by Beth Hensperger
Makes 3 medium sized round loafs or two 9 X 5 loaves

3/4 cup (120 g) cracked wheat or bulghur
1 1/2 (355 ml) boiling water

1 tablespoon (18 g) active dry yeast
pinch sugar (optional)
1/4 cup (3.7 ml) water (105 to 115 degrees)

1 cup (237 ml) warm buttermilk (105 to 115 degrees)
1/4 cup (59 ml) molasses
1 tablespoon honey
4 tablespoons (57 g) butter, cut into pieces, room temperature
1 tablespoon salt
1/4 cup (40 g) raw sesame seeds
1 cups (130 g) whole wheat flour
2 1/2 to 3 (248 to 298 g) cups all purpose flour or bread flour
2 tablespoons (29 g) butter, melted (for brushing loaves)

In a bowl, place cracked wheat or bulghur in a bowl and pour boiling water over it.  Let sit for 1 hour to soften.

In a small bowl, place water, yeast and a pinch of sugar.  The water temperature is important.  If it is too hot then the yeast will die and if it is too cold then the yeast will not activate well, if at all.  I used a thermometer at first and now I can tell by feel.  Allow to stand for 7 to 10 minutes.  The yeast is alive if bubbles start to emerge which will build up to a foam covering the surface of the mixture.  This process is called proofing the yeast.

Combine the buttermilk, molasses, honey and butter in a bowl and set aside.  In a large bowl (I use my mixer with the paddle attachment) mix together the whole wheat flour, salt and sesame seeds.  Stir in the milk mixture and stir until smooth, about 3 minutes.  Strain the cracked wheat and add to the flour mixture until combined.  Add the flour 1/2 cup at a time until the dough pulls from the side of the bowl and forms a ball.  Replace the paddle attachment with the dough hook if using the electric mixer.

My method is to knead the dough in the mixer for about 3 minutes and turn out the dough and finish kneading by hand but you can knead the dough in a stand mixer for 4 to 5 minutes until a springy soft ball is formed.

Or if kneading completely by hand, place onto a floured board or work surface, adding a tablespoon of flour as needed to keep from sticking. Knead for about 5 minutes until the dough is soft and  springy, but still tacky.  The dough should spring back when gently poked with your finger.

Place in a bowl with a tablespoon of light olive oil or safflower oil and coat the dough ball with it.  Cover the bowl loosely with plastic wrap or a slightly damp kitchen towel.  Allow to rise at room temperature for about 1 1/2 hours until doubled in bulk.

Gently deflate the dough by just pressing down on it.  Form into 3 round loaves or divide in half for two 9 X 5 greased loaf pans.  If making rounds place on parchment paper or lightly greased sheet pans.  Brush the tops with melted butter and loosely cover with plastic wrap.  The second rising, also called proofing, should take about 30 minutes.  In the meantime, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Place the loaves into the oven for 35 to 40 minutes.  The loaves should be done when tapping them your finger sounds hollow.  Remove bread from the oven and place on bakers wracks to cool.  If making loaves, remove from the pans to cool.

Print Recipe

This is proofing the yeast.  This is how you know the yeast is active and alive 
before you make your bread dough with it.

This is also called proofing.  
It is the final rise of the dough before baking.


  1. I totally agree! Making it yourself is always a better option. Gorgeous pics by the way :)

  2. this is such a great interesting and informative post. I have to agree with Lauren that the pictures are gorgeous!

  3. Thank you Maris and Lauren. I am so glad you liked it!
