Saturday, February 12, 2011

Snowmen and Sunshine

Here is an interesting crowd that showed up in the neighborhood one day.
And then a couple of days later these little ones joined them.

 Maybe we have had a snow day or two in the neighborhood.

Actually we have had several.  You know, snowflakes and school buses don't get along.

Now there are actually teeny, tiny signs of spring.  I know I am being optimistic. The sky is blue and the temperature is rising.

Are we done with the snow?  Probably not.  But what we have is melting ever so slowly.  Melting is good.   Sadly the snowmen did not make it. 

Here is a picture of the amazing blue sky that makes you feel kinda awesome inside.  Sunshine always helps.

Well I have to take a short break and go see my hometown of Birmingham, AL.  It is a long trip, but there is family there.  I have a couple of recipes for you when I get back.  One contains rutabegas and the other is greens and beans.  Both lovely, healthy and tasty recipes that I hope you will in enjoy.  The weather is suppose to be superb this week. . .




  1. I love the "guests" that showed up! Haha! I know you're headed out for a vacation but if you happen to already have a recipe to link to the Culinary Smackdown Battle then I'd love for you to participate. If you are interested please check it out and link up.

  2. Those snowmen are sooo cute!!! I haven't made one since I was a kid. Next snow storm I am getting out there!!

  3. Gorgeous photos, how creative?!
    Love it!!!
