Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Good Things Come to Those Who Wait"


These days, patience is rare.  Unless, of course, if you have kids.

A hard trait to find these days when our immediate whims are at our disposal. 

My sister gave me a 12-inch portion of an Orchid Cactus about 6 or 7 years ago.  I was told the fifth year it would bloom.  I waited.  It grew.  I waited some more.  It grew a lot.  I waited not so patiently. I forgot.  I wondered why I had this huge plant that was taking over my dining room.  I thought about getting rid of it.  Was it really going to bloom?

And then one day it did this.
 Isn't it lovely.

What can I say about this plant?  It takes minimal care.  It grows despite me.  It is scrappy, in an interesting, flowing kind of way.  Don't you agree?
It grew into the carpet and tried to set roots.  Is it trying to tell me something?

I did neglect it this year.  I will do better.

It completely redeems itself yearly when it flowers and it flowers in spite of me.  
I guess that is just like an orchid.  Orchids are not the greatest looking houseplants until they bloom, then they are stunning.  I have some orchids that bloom for 6+ months and some for a month.  The orchid cactus holds its bloom for about a week to two weeks.  I was neglectful this year so I only had about three blooms instead of the past 10+ blooms.  I vow to be a better cactus orchid keeper next year.

The last bloom just dried up.

This is my homage to the old proverb "Good things come to those who wait".  To remember to be patient and caring in the process of "waiting" and the process, in many cases, is more important than the goal.

Until next year . . .


  1. I found you through the Tasty Kitchen.. you take beautiful photos and your Tomatillo Avocado Salsa sounds fantastic!

  2. Evan - Thank you. Hope to see you again!
