Friday, July 16, 2010

Chanchito, A Lucky Chilean Three Legged Pig

Isn't he cute?  In an ugly baby, cute sort of way, but still quite adorable.  I think he is charming.
This little three legged pig or chanchito originated in a village in Chile called Pomaire.  Pomaire is know for their pottery.  They have a custom in this Latin American country to offer a chanchito as a gift to family or friends and it will bring good luck and good will to them.  The little lucky pig has caught on and you might see them anywhere.  I found this one in Napa Valley on a recent trip (I wish I could say I got it in Chile, but it was the lovely California's famous sipping valley).  This is the type of item that comes and goes and is not likely to stay in stock. Since it wasn't given to me, I am concerned about lucky it will be.  I feel lucky just to have one!  I keep mine in the kitchen.  My little kitchen pig!  Some people have a kitchen witch to bring them luck, but I am going with this little chanchito for good luck and good will in my home.  I also found this chanchito bowl that I think will be perfect for salsa.
Next stop - Fresh salsa!

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