Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Check out this Link!

This is an awesome site:   Alice Waters Green Kitchen

Alice Waters has put together all these short videos by prominent chefs making simple recipes that showcase techniques that anyone can do with fresh produce.  For example, a chef named Cal Peternell showed how to roast peppers and talked about roasting techniques which I used when roasting peppers for my Red Pepper Pesto.  Alice Waters shows basic techniques for salad making using a Japanese morter and pestle that I am going to try.  I usually use a simpler method for my salad dressings because I am all about cutting down time in the kitchen.  It is not that it is really difficult, just a step or two more than I usually do.  I would love to see more videos of this quality that is more about how to get the best out of your food than show.  When it comes right down to it, it is more about what happens in your kitchen and what you put on your table.  My family has had many great evenings on our deck enjoying the fresh foods from our local farmer's markets (and a few from our garden) and feeling good about what we eat and enjoying each others company.  It makes for a good end to the day and if I can make something quicker than ordering out, then why not.  We have very few good take out places in our area and most are not even partially healthy. Give this site a try and see it doesn't motivate something new and fresh for your dinner table!

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